North Star Principles

A Focus on Cultivating Culture

Real change begins when community members show up for one another, which is an integral aspect of communities across Wyoming, and a hallmark of the independent, at times rugged, people that call the Western U.S. home. We look out for our neighbors.

RMC provides expert counsel and evidence-based training to help organizations build inclusive and supportive cultures. If we choose to collaborate, RMC will be walking alongside you and your team as you grow.

Our approach to training, coaching, and strategic planning centers culture-building. Our consulting services are designed to foster safe, understanding environments, that allow teams to comfortably explore and unravel the challenges present in workplace cultures. We are here to guide and support teams as they build more equitable, team-oriented, and successful organizations.

Our Values

Collaboration: We honor multiple perspectives and make decisions in collaboration with the communities most impacted.

Community-Centered: We know processes, systems, and resources are only as effective as the people utilizing them and we seek to ensure our services work for people. We do our best to make decisions that will positively impact future generations.

: We embrace a learner’s mindset, accepting that we do not know everything. We seek understanding to solve problems and pursue solutions that uplift everyone.

Hasten Slowly: A Latin phrase, Festina Lente, means, ‘Go slow to reach the best outcome.’ We care about quality and craft above speed and have the most success when we take time to pause, clarify direction, and engage people in the journey before making big moves.

Liberation: We see rest as resistance and balance our lives to be full and whole. We trust that everyone knows what is best for themselves and deserves the right to live freely.

Simplicity: We value direct and open communication that comes from a place of empathy, trust, and respect.